Louise 5th March 2011

Hiya baby....just came on to say i love and miss you everyday!!! Just wish u were here baby... Sean is doing really well at his counceling, they're very pleased with him!! He talks about you all the time, me and him have great wee nyts with loads of memories sweetheart, but they're just ours eh?? I'll never get over losing you babe, i thought maybe after the first" of everything was past it would get easier but it doesn't!!! The pain and emptyness i feel today is the same as the day u left this world, and i don't think it will ever go away. I will love you all my life sweetheart, and i promise to talk and think of you with Sean all the time... You were the best Husband and Dad anyone could ask for.. They certainly broke the mould when they made you huny! Thank you for a wonderful 9 yrs, always and forever sweetheart, truly, madly, deeply xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx